Thinkin’ Bout Frank Ocean

Good God I’m still not quite sure how my friend managed to us tickets to Frank Ocean,  all I know though, if we didn’t get them, my life would have been ruined. Well, definitely not ruined, but I would have been deeply disappointed.

Seeing this adorable babe of a man at Festival Hall in Melbourne Fri July 26th. I’m nervous about getting crushed in the packed out venue, but anything for Frank.

This live version of’ Thinkin’ Bout You from Saturday Night Live  never fails to bring the goosebumps out in me. Definitely don’t even notice John Mayer in there, until you’ve watched it a collective amount of times.

I’ll definitely be reviewing the shit out of this gig in July! Love you Frank.

The Most Beastly Beard

Underage gigs are ridiculous. This is what I went to last Thursday night at Festival Hall to see Chet Faker and Flume. I’m 23 years old and even I felt like a bloody middle aged person. 90% of the crowd looked between the age of 15-17. The atmosphere was completely different to every other gig I’ve been to, which has been 18+. It felt weird. I realised how far off I am from being a teenager. Yes, that’s obvious, but I swear it feels like I was 19 not that long ago. Continue reading