dressing gowns 2 dressing gowns

Sooo my best friend Steph and I decided we’d have a rager Saturday night last week. By rager, I mean we stayed at mine, wearing our dressing gowns all night and drinking  gin and  tequila. It was amazing! The tequila, not so much. We used to be best friends, not anymore. We had a great night, but sadly, this Saturday night, we’ll be having lives and hitting the town. Not as great as dressing gown parties, but we’ll make the most of it.

Thinkin’ Bout Frank Ocean

Good God I’m still not quite sure how my friend managed to us tickets to Frank Ocean,  all I know though, if we didn’t get them, my life would have been ruined. Well, definitely not ruined, but I would have been deeply disappointed.

Seeing this adorable babe of a man at Festival Hall in Melbourne Fri July 26th. I’m nervous about getting crushed in the packed out venue, but anything for Frank.

This live version of’ Thinkin’ Bout You from Saturday Night Live  never fails to bring the goosebumps out in me. Definitely don’t even notice John Mayer in there, until you’ve watched it a collective amount of times.

I’ll definitely be reviewing the shit out of this gig in July! Love you Frank.

The Goonies Never Say Die

The Goonies

Hey you guyssss! 28 years ago today, the world changed forever. Why? Epic Steven Spielberg movie The Goonies was unleashed on us all. (Except those who were born after 1985 including myself)

I grew up on The Goonies. I genuinely cannot count how many times I’ve watched this wonderful adventurous movie. I’m not sure it’s possible that I could ever get sick of watching it. Still to this day I get nervously excited while watching, even though I know this movie like the back of my hand. I’ve forced numerous friends to watch it. I feel if you haven’t seen it, a part of you is missing.

I can’t force everyone to watch it, but if you haven’t seen it, obviously I recommend you get on that. It’s got Sean Astin (Sam in LOTR) as a kid in it, that’s gotta rope you in. Good old Corey Feldman is in it as well. Double whammy.

I’ve posted a trailer below in hope to reel you into watching the movie. If you think it’s lame, we probably can’t be friends.

The Goonies2

I’m an addict…TO BOB’S BURGERS.

Bob's Burgers

While most people have been using their time this week being productive, I’ve wisely invested about 95% of my time to watch the American animation sitcom, Bob’s Burgers. It started as a casual screening of 2-3 episodes at my friends house, introducing me to what would become my life for the next 6 days.

I’ll briefly set the scene if this is a show you haven’t gotten into yet. The show centers around the day to day life of a family with the most amazing surname, Belcher. Bob and Linda are the parents running a Hamburger restaurant, who have hired their 3 kids Tina, Gene and Louise as their only workers.  Each episode is bursting  with wacky story lines that are sometimes just plain ridiculous…in a good way of course. Each of the characters have strong personalities that never grow boring, and in my experience, don’t get too annoying either.

I remember the moment I fell in love with this show. My life will never be the same again. It was all Tina. That photo casually floating above all this writing, is Tina. Isn’t she delightful? (rhetorical question) I would easily liken her to Daria in that for starters, she has the second most monotone voice I’ve heard (most, being Daria). She does also posses some Daria traits in the way she looks. Her personality isn’t as negative as Daria though and she can be quite naive. I like to think of them as kindred spirits.  She’s such an awkward teenager, and not in the normal way. She’s kind of a creep. I love it! I feel I can relate. In one episode, Lindapendent Women, Tina makes a necklace out of a bloodied, used band-aid she pulled off her crush. So gross and creepy, but yet so great. What a girl.

I know this probably isn’t everybody’s taste, but give Bob a chance. Watch a couple of ep’s and see what you think. It may change your world. Most likely it won’t but it will still give you joy to some level. And joy is a good thing.

It’s time for silly things Kim thinks of.

So, I have this list I created, which, until recently, I thought had a lot of potential. It’s my list of skit ideas. However, a few of my friends have made me come to the realisation that maybe..sigh..it might be silly. I’m still unsure. I had in my head they were great ideas, genius even. Well, you can judge for yourself I guess.  Continue reading

Candy Crush Vortex of Doom


Damn it. I semi promised myself I wouldn’t be one of those suckers on Facebook who gets reeled into playing a pointless mind numbing game just because a friend has requested you play, for their benefit of gaining extra points or lives/whatever.

But here I am, a sucker. I’ve bloody jumped on the bandwagon of the famously popular game of Candy Crush. Continue reading

The Most Beastly Beard

Underage gigs are ridiculous. This is what I went to last Thursday night at Festival Hall to see Chet Faker and Flume. I’m 23 years old and even I felt like a bloody middle aged person. 90% of the crowd looked between the age of 15-17. The atmosphere was completely different to every other gig I’ve been to, which has been 18+. It felt weird. I realised how far off I am from being a teenager. Yes, that’s obvious, but I swear it feels like I was 19 not that long ago. Continue reading